August 5, 2017:  Eyman Family Reunion

The Eyman Family in Oregon held a reunion for the first time in many years.  They consisted of the descendents of Frederick and Rosetta (Schweitzer) Eyman.  The families gathered at Smyrna United Church of Christ, about 2 miles from where Frederick and Rosetta raised their family.

Joel and Tom Daniels (grandsons of Albert Eyman) selected a date and started collecting names and addresses.  Notices were sent out.  Neal White (grandson of Hilda (Eyman) Jackson volunteered to make name tags and send out followup e-mails.

About 50 "Eymans" showed up for a pot luck lunch followed by introductions and reminiscing.

Neal was elected president for next year.  He will be sending out a survey asking how often the Eymans would like to meet in the future.


Nathan and Tom took the photos of the Eymans shown here: